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Careers @ Innotrend

Become a InnoTrend employee and be part of our #Crazy #Fun #Limegreen #Highperformance culture : 


Why InnoTrend ?


Empowering and Developing our employees is part of Innotrend's objectives and our employees plays a vital role in the success of the business #employeedevelopment


What makes us different ?


We are a vibrant, young, growing and awesome company that lives by our values.

Innotrend strives to be different by bringing in Innovation to Trends as well as closing the doors to the "norm" # different #growth


What makes us a Strong Company ?


InnoTrend have great partnerships and affiliations, we are with some of the biggest firms in the South-African Banking and Insurance Industry. We have a very diverse clientele and we also work with leading corporate companies in SA #partnerships #affiliates #biggerandbetter


Work hard, Play hard.


At InnoTrend we have a high performance culture, so brace yourself that you will be working hard, BUT also brace yourself for all the fun and activities . We also have our own social club to make sure all events and fun is taken care of #workhard #playhard 

If you wish to be part of our hard working craziness. Please apply below : 

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